How to Pickle Cucumbers For a Long Time Use

How about making pickle cucumbers? Cucumbers are always available and reasonably priced at farmer’s markets and supermarkets. Additionally, they are quite crispy and fresh. You may also eat them without peeling to take advantage of their abundant nutrient content.

Pickled cucumbers are high in Vitamin K, which promotes bone health. Also, they contain many probiotics, which generally promote digestive health. Furthermore, pickles restore electrolytes and keep us hydrated. Pickled cucumbers go well with meat dishes like steak, stews, and hamburgers.

In this article, we will learn how to make pickle cucumbers and store them for longer use. But first, let’s see what you need to consider while choosing cucumbers for long-term storage.

pickle cucumbers

Things to Consider While Selecting Cucumbers For Long-term Storage

Before we get into the specifics of pickling cucumbers, here are some things you should be aware of – 

  • Cucumbers used for pickling differ slightly from those used for eating raw. They often have thinner skin and are smaller. Because of this, they are ideal for pickling, as they absorb the pickling liquid and all of its delightful taste.
  • You ought to employ a pickling solution while preserving cucumbers. It is a basic solution of water, vinegar, and salt. Most supermarket shops have pickling solutions, or you may prepare your own.

How to Pickle Cucumbers For Long Time Use

Let’s take a look at the steps you should follow during this process. 

1. Select Fresh Cucumbers Only

Fresh cucumbers will help keep your pickles crisp. If possible, choose cucumbers that are attached to the plant. These are frequently more crisp and fresh than those harvested and kept for a while.

Any cucumber will work if you can’t locate any freshly picked ones. Just make sure they’re still fresh and not going stale. Also, avoid overgrown cucumbers since placing them in jars will be difficult, and they might not have the same crispy texture.

2. Select the Proper Size

You need to select the proper-sized cucumbers while pickling them. Pick cucumbers approximately 4-5 inches in length if you want whole pickles. These cucumbers will produce pickles that are a decent size and fit neatly in a jar. Use smaller cucumbers if you wish to produce pickles that are easier to eat, like chips or slices. If this is your first time pickling, entire cucumbers are the best option.

3. Clean the Cucumbers

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly before you begin to pickle them. Simply rinse them thoroughly under cold water; you don’t need to scrape them. It will help you to eliminate any dirt or germs that may be present on the cucumbers’ surface.

You don’t need to peel the cucumbers before pickling, although you can if you wish. However, you must use a sharp knife to avoid removing too much skin when peeling them. 

4. Cut the Cucumbers

After washing the cucumbers, cut them into slices. To make pickles from whole cucumbers, trim them into lengths that suit your jars. Then, chop the cucumbers into tiny pieces if you want to make chips or slices.

A mandoline slicer is a perfect instrument for this purpose since it makes uniform, thin slices. However, if you don’t have a mandoline slicer, you may gently cut the cucumbers with a sharp knife. You can also purchase pre-sliced cucumbers if you’re feeling very lazy.

5. Remove the Cucumber Top

The cucumber’s top is the part that connects to the vine. It includes a trace of cucurbitacin, which may turn pickles slightly bitter. It’s preferable to cut this tip off before pickling. You must cut a small piece off the end if you’re using whole cucumbers.

6. Place the Cucumbers Into a Jar

After slicing and removing the top of the cucumbers, place them in the jar. When using entire cucumbers, put them in the jar, packing them tightly but not too firmly. The procedure is the same for slices or chips, but you’ll need to put more cucumbers in the jar because they’ll take up less area.

To achieve the best results, put sliced cucumbers into the container and ensure that you evenly distribute them. In addition, it will make sure that every cucumber is correctly pickled.

7. Prepare the Brine

For those who are unaware that we have to pickle the cucumbers in brine, which is a mixture of water, salt, and often vinegar. Depending on what you’re pickling, the water to salt (and maybe vinegar) ratio varies, but for cucumbers, the usual ratio is 1:1 (water to vinegar). You may alternatively make the brine using a 3:2:1 mixture of water, vinegar, and sugar. It is the only way to ensure the long-term preservation of your pickles.

You must prepare enough brine to cover the entire cucumbers if you use them. The cucumbers won’t be fully pickled if they float to the top. If you’re preparing chips or slices, you’ll still need to soak the cucumbers in brine, but not as much.

8. Pour the Brine Into the Jar

The method of pouring brine into the container is simple yet a little challenging. You may first pour the solution into a measuring cup using a spout for the best results. Then carefully add the brine to the jar, ensuring it covers the cucumbers completely. Once the jar is full, you may screw on the top and shake it to combine everything.

9. Allow the Jar to Stay Until the Cucumbers Are Pickled

Now comes the difficult part: waiting. Cucumbers need at least 24 hours to pickle, but it’s preferable to wait for a minimum of 48. The pickles will taste even better if you wait longer! The brine will get bubbly as the cucumbers pickle. It is normal and does not affect the pickles’ quality. So simply be patient and allow them to sit.

10. Enjoy Your Cucumber Pickles

When the cucumber pickles are ready, you can keep the container in the refrigerator and eat them whenever you like! You may enjoy pickles for a long time since they can keep for a few weeks or even a few months in the refrigerator. However, eat these within a few months to ensure the highest quality.



We hope you got the process of pickling cucumbers, and you cannot wait to try them on your own. So, without any delay, visit your local market and select some fresh cucumbers. 

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